Análise: Protecção dentária feita à medida pela Bridge Dental Lab

( Also available in English! )

Um par de meses após ter iniciado a prática de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro (JJB) senti necessidade de proteger a minha dentição, como a maior parte dos praticantes de artes marciais sentem. Como a maioria faz, fui a uma loja de desporto e comprei uma protecção de dentes normal, das que se ferve e molda/morde (boil & bite) já que era o que todos os que conhecia usavam sem grande e aparente problema. Se alguns não conseguem que aquilo fique realmente fixo, outros tiveram de cortar parte para que servisse e outros apenas se sentem estranhos e desconfortáveis com a protecção mas aguentam. Outros queixam-se de uma combinação destas e doutras queixas e outros não se queixam de nada.

Eu tinha problemas bem piores. Eu fervi, eu mordi, eu até moldei e a protecção não ficava no sítio muito tempo. Além disso era desconfortável, mas com isso eu já contava e conseguia viver. Com o que não conseguia mesmo viver era com o facto de que mesmo sem ser atingido uma única vez, as minhas gengivas sangravam bastante após cada rola. Talvez os meus maxilares sejam diferentes, talvez seja dos meus dentes, só sei que teria de encontrar uma alternativa melhor para não arriscar os meus dentes.

A única solução era adquirir uma protecção dentária feita à medida e esta é a minha descrição do processo e a análise ás protecções.

Feliz Dia das Bruxas atrasado!

Review: Bridge Dental Lab custom gumshields

( Também disponível em Português! )

A couple of months after I started doing BJJ I felt the need to protect my teeth, as the vast majority of practitioners of every martial art do. As most of them, I went to a regular sporting goods store and got a 'boil and bite' mouthguard since that's what everyone I knew used without much problem. Some people can't really get it to stay in place after it's on, some have to cut some pieces in order for it to fit right, some just find it awkward but otherwise good. Others complain of a combination of these and other problems and others don't complain at all.

I had more problems than that. I did get it boiled, I did bite it, I even mold it and it didn't stay in place for long. Also, it felt awkward but with all that I could probably have lived with. What I really couldn't live with was the fact that even not getting hit one single time, my gums were bleeding bad after every roll. Maybe my maxillae are awkward, maybe it's my teeth, I just had to find a better alternative so I wouldn't risk hurting my teeth.

The only solution was to get a custom made gumshield, and this is my review of the process.

Happy late Halloween!

Análise: ("Licra") Masaru Short Sleeve Rash Guard

( Also available in English! )

Quão porreiro é o Meerkatsu? Muito muito porreiro, é o quão porreiro ele é.
Porquê, perguntam vocês? Ok, não perguntam, mas eu respondo na mesma à minha própria questão para a qual eu sei a resposta: porque deu-se ao trabalho de me enviar esta excelente rash guard (alguns conhecerão este tipo de equipamento como "Licra") da Masaru que ele próprio analisou no seu blog há apenas um par de semanas atrás. Aliás, ele analisou um monte de rash guards de marcas do Reino Unido por isso aconselho a darem uma vista de olhos..

Agora aqui fica a minha opinião sobre esta rash guard/licra.

Review: Masaru Short Sleeve Rash Guard

( Também disponível em Português! )

How awesome is Meerkatsu? Very awesome, that's how awesomely awesome he is.
Why you ask? Ok, you don't, but I'll still answer my own question to which I know the answer: because he went out of his way to send me this kick ass new Masaru Rash Guard he reviewed himself in his blog just a couple weeks ago. Actually, he reviewed a whole bunch of UK-branded rashies so you should definitely go over there and check it out.

Now, here are my own thoughts about this rash guard.

Análise: Preto & Branco - Tuff Fightwear Lightweight BJJ Kimono

( Also available in English! )

Após alguns meses a usar o gi Blitz Lutador e tendo começado a treinar na ArtSuave do Prof. Marcão, senti necessidade de ter um segundo (e terceiro) gis. Além de aumentar a quantidade de gis disponíveis, tinha em mente que fossem acessíveis mas com o mais qualidade possível e com um verdadeiro corte de gi de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro (BJJ) como deve ser, para variar.
A Tuff é uma marca Inglesa que vende material de luta em geral e este Lightweight Kimono - Kimono Leve - (ou mais correctamente, gi) tinha-me chamado à atenção há já uns meses. Diz a Tuff que este é o gi mais leve no mercado e que foi testado extensivamente para aguentar o rigor do treino, mas além disso o preço parecia ser perfeito para o que eu procurava...

Review: Black & White - Tuff Fightwear Lightweight BJJ Kimono

( Também disponível em Português! )

After some months using the Blitz Lutador and having joined Marcão's ArtSuave I felt the need to get a second (and third) gi. Besides quantity I was aiming at a cheap but quality gi which was fitted as a BJJ gi should be for a change.
Tuff is a british company who sell fightwear and their Lightweight Kimono (gi, actually) had caught my attention some months ago. They claim their gi is the lightest in the market and that it's tested extensively to withstand the rigors of training and the price seemed perfect for what I wanted.

Injuries and common sense

For the worst part of the last 8 months I've been through several degrees of an injury. As I had never been injured this seriously, at first I did not pay much attention to it even though it limited/hurt me in such simple things like turning the steering wheel while parking or picking up a backpack, but even though it's costing me dearly to be this limited, I have a much more clear and defined picture of what it means to be injured and how to behave in light of it both as an "athlete" and a health professional.

Design your own crazy-ass BJJ Gi challenge

Many times have I fantasized about how the perfect gi for me would be. The one gi that would make forget there were countless other gis for sale. I'd have it in the three legal colors (white, blue and black, preferably regular blue and navy blue) and five or six of them so I didn't have to do the laundry before the weekend even if I trained twice a day every monday to friday.
It would be lightweight, less than 1.8Kg for an A3, probably some kind of single weave (pearl weave seems to be the norm right now), it would have reinforced and taped triple stitching including in the sleeve cuffs and rope-style cord for the trousers. Also, tapered style keeping in mind tall slim guys like me. Well, it's for me so duh.
Also, and very important, it would have a clean look. I'd go with a discreet-eccentric design over the more obvious "look at me and recognize from afar" path every time. For example, I'd (and do, and will) use a pink mouthguard but wouldn't dye my hair pink. Confident discreet eccentricity - that probably sums it.

So, when my man Seymour aka Meerkatsu sent out a challenge to us BJJ Gi Addicts/bloggers, to design a crazy-ass BJJ Gi, I thought I'd have to push the eccentricity and be that bit more pretentious.
Another thing I thought was that I wouldn't design anything I wouldn't wear - even in competition if the chance presented itself.

So, here's what I came up with!

... and sorry in advance for my limited photochopper skillz.

RIP Tiago Alves

Portuguese multi-medal winner judoka and young Judo prospect Tiago Alves passed away yesterday losing a battle with cancer. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

For those who understand Portuguese, you can read his touching and motivational blog here.

Descansa em paz Tiago.

Training at ArtSuave

Yesterday I trained for the first time at ArtSuave - located at Bom Sucesso Health Club, Boavista (Porto) to be more precise - and I loved it.

There are morning classes at Monday, Wednesday and Friday while night classes are at Tuesday and Thursday. Saturday there's what some have described to me as a monster class with people from both schedules and fitting training which I can't wait to experience, eheh.

The End Of The Beginning

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu here in Ovar is over.

Paulinho moved with his family closer to (O)Porto so he isn't able to continue teaching here, which is more than obviously understandable.

Still, our goodbye training had nice goodbye rolling and Paulinho managed to submit me in what seemed like every imaginable way. Three of the subs were new to me and I didn't even see them coming. Now I hopefully will.

Supplements that work?

Is supplement X the best thing since sliced bread? Will amino acid Y allow me to train everyday without a problem?
The answer to these and every other possible question of the sort is a sounding NO. If I had to evaluate all the several factors that come into play to keep us (or help us get) strong, lean with the right weight, properly recovered, ready and willing I'd say it all comes down to Diet, Exercise and Rest.
Supplements should be understood exactly as the meaning you can find in a dictionary: "something that completes or makes an addition" (Merriam-Webster in this case). Supplements should come in when you need extra amounts of something you can't get easily through diet or to make sure you get the nutrients you need when it's just not practical to eat a proper solid meal.
I won't get into supplements that I've fond do not work for me or simply aren't worthy because the list would be extensive. If it's not on the list chances are they're not worth it for me but feel free to ask in the comments.

Strength Training for BJJ

Why is Strength important in BJJ?

Yes, Technique as a whole is the most important thing, but how much easier can you perform a technique if you have a good mix of Strength, Speed, Endurance and Flexibility? A lot easier, a lot better, a lot faster and a lot more times. And that's a whole lot of lots.

UFC 115


Contains spoilers.

Royce Gracie Seminar - Algarve

2º Seminário no Algarve (Lagoa) com o Mestre Royce Gracie

Review: Blitz Lutador Pro-Star BJJ Kimono

Howdy boys.

Had been practicing BJJ for a couple of weeks when I got this, my first BJJ Gi.
I had no experience whatsoever with other BJJ Gis (only Karate Gis) and wanted something affordable (not much more expensive than a cheap Judo Gi) but with good enough quality to get started.

So, on to the review.
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