BJJHQ were kind enough to send me this rashguard. Prior to being contacted by them I didn't know they existed but ended up finding a completely new concept unknown to me. They sell one article a day at discount prices you'd not find in a regular online store and that's it. You check their daily deals... daily, and try to grab your stuff before it's sold out (which happens often, shocker right?). I myself have it on my RSS feed which I personally prefer but that's entirely up to you. Their customer service is pretty up there also so that's another plus.
So, on to the rashie!
Pódio WAS2022 de Outubro
Décimo Pódio WAS de 2022
O décimo Pódio WAS de 2022 dá aos Campeões Nacionais de Luta Livre
Olímpica, ao Torneio de Luta Feminina, à última etapa do Beat t...
1 year ago